Protecting and keeping your pets safe and healthy is our priority. So let's talk about some potential hazards and how to be pro-active in avoiding them.

Toxic Foods Some human foods, such as grapes, raisins, chocolate, onions, garlic, and xylitol (in sugar-free gum and some sweets), can be toxic to pets. Keep all potentially harmful foods out of their reach. Corn cobs, peach kernels and animal (chicken, lamb, beef, pork) bones can be a choking hazard, or become lodged in the pets insides so be careful when disposing of these.
Household Chemicals Pets are naturally curious and may ingest substances like cleaning products, pesticides, or medications. Ensure these substances are never left within reach of your pet. Recreational drugs and antifreeze ingestion are other common reasons for an emergency trip to the vet.
Houseplants Several common houseplants, like lilies, azaleas, and philodendron, can be toxic to pets if ingested. Keep these away from pets if you have them in your home.
Gardens Pesticides, herbicides, and fertilisers can be harmful to pets. Many flowering bulbs are toxic if ingested. Rat poison ingestion can have serious consequences.
Wild Plants Be cautious when hiking or walking in areas with wild vegetation as pets may encounter certain plants or mushrooms, some of which can be poisonous.
Bins and Litter Pets are often drawn to bins or discarded food. Keep an eye on them to prevent scavenging for potentially dangerous items. Mouldy/ spoiled food items can contain toxins that cause vomiting and seizures.
Toys Use dog-specific toys to minimise the risk of the toy breaking into smaller pieces and being swallowed. If your pet has a raw hide toy, monitor them as large pieces can be swallowed and cause a blockage. Be mindful of small balls that can lodge at the back of the throat and block the airways or get lodged in the pet's intestines.
Note: If you know that your pet has ingested one of the toxins listed above please call us immediately as treatment may need to be started as soon as possible. If you notice mouth pain, swelling or irritation, excessive drooling, vomiting or difficulty swallowing call us immediately as they may have accidentally ingested something toxic.
Pet-Proof Your Home: Eliminate access to toxic substances that are not needed and store dangerous items high and well out of reach.
Awareness and Education: Be aware about toxic foods and plants, and educate family members about pet safety.
Prepare for Emergency: Save our number to your phone in case of an emergency 01 623 7044. Out of hours call 01 260 9920. The vet may have to induce vomiting to eliminate the toxic substance and may have to administer supportive therapy while the pet's body is dealing with the toxin.
Outdoor Supervision: Supervise your pet as much as possible when out in areas where there is potential for them to ingest something hazardous
Remember, our priority is in ensuring your pet's safety and promoting their well-being, so if in any doubt at all, please call our experienced team at Dublin, Palmerstown Vets (01) 623 7044. Out of hours call 01 260 9920.